- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
Dear HKGS members and colleagues,
The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society is pleased to invite you to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 (hybrid format), which will be held on June 17, 2023, at Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong.
The Annual Scientific Meeting is an excellent platform for our members, researchers, clinicians, and scholars interested in geriatric medicine to meet in person and to share their latest research findings and insights. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your work and contribute to the advancement of the field of geriatric medicine by submitting your abstract to the Annual Scientific Meeting.
The theme of the meeting is “Geriatrics Moving Forward”. The scientific program includes keynote sessions, plenary sessions, and free paper presentations, which covers a wide range of topics related to geriatric medicine. We believe that you would find this meeting to be of great interest and value to you, and we would be honored to have you. Please register for the event and submit your abstract at www.hkgsasm2023.org.
We look forward to seeing you in the Annual Scientific Meeting 2023. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our event secretary Miss Wally Sou, via email asm2023@hkgs.org.
Best regards,
Dr Tony Chan
Chairperson, Organizing Committee,
HKGS ASM 2023Dr Wong Kwok Keung
Co-Chairperson, Organizing Committee,
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting 2022
HKGS ASM 2022 website
Plenary Session
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Virtual Meeting 2021
Opening Ceremony
Best Practice of Acute Geriatric Medicine - Dr. Chi Fai KO
Glycemic Variability and Elderly Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Benefits of Ultra-Long-Acting Basal Insulin - Dr. Paul Chi Ho LEE
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Society Meeting 2019
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018
Online Registration - The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2017
Online Registration - The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2017
- Call for abstract submission for free paper presentation at HKGS ASM 2017
- Call for abstract submission for free paper presentation at HKGS ASM 2017
Dear HKGS Members,
We are now calling for abstract submission for the free paper presentation at the HKGS ASM 2017. The scientific committee will select five abstracts for oral presentation.
The first author of the 3 most outstanding papers in the oral presentation will be awarded the Dr Chan Sik prize, Dr Ng Yau Ying prize and Dr Ng Ngai Shing prize.
Participants may submit any number of abstracts, but only 1 prize will be awarded to any one participant. The Asian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology will publish the abstracts as a supplement. Authors retain their rights to submit the manuscript to other journals.
All abstracts should follow this format:
1. Title: a concise title that indicates the nature of the study
2. Surname and initial of all authors (underline the presenting author)
3. Name of the institution
4. Content of the abstract should include the following:
A. Background
B. Objective
C. Method
D. Results and Discussion
E. Conclusion
5. The length of the abstract should be limited to 500 words and can include 1 table or figure. Font should be Times New Roman with size 12.
Please send your abstracts to chanky10@ha.org.hk. Deadline is on or before 30th April 2017.
Looking forward to your support and participation.
Selina Chan
Free paper
- The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2024